Sunday, October 7, 2007

welcome home

"Welcome home." With this statement, all of Eaton Chapel busted out into uproarious applause. Homecoming had begun and with it came hundreds of Beloit College alums. I guess I have always taken this weekend for granted, noting that homecoming weekend are generally solely marked by an influx of "old people" partying at the wall. But for the first time in my two years here, I finally took part in the festivities (largely to do with the fact my attendance was made mandatory by choir). And while I was a little perturbed about having to be up at Eaton Chapel by 11:00 am on a Saturday, I must say that my eyes were opened in regards to how much this place means to so many people. Classes from over thirty years ago had up to half of their graduating class in attendance, that cute old guy still had his Beloit College sweater from 1942 draped around his shoulders, and amazingly enough most of them all knew the Beloit College songs (nobody knows them anymore). There was such a distinct sense of pride in all of them. They truly love this place, even after the passage of so much time.

Okay. So in the process of writing this blog, I was trying to find some pictures to put up on this thing. I went to the little Google image search miracle we all know and love to look for something to put up. I stumbled upon a genealogy website for Rock County, Wisconsin (which is where Beloit is located) and found some awesome postcards from the early 1900s. Kind of lame, I know. However, I think they are interesting so they're going up.

Downtown Beloit, 1915

Indian Mounds on campus, 1907

Emerson Hall, 1911

Middle College, 1943

(where I'm typing this right now)

These two are of the Sports Center's field house and of Maurer, Chapin, and Brannon residence halls, undated

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